
A Visual Tour of Malaga, Spain

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A Road Trip in Andalusia can’t be complete without a visit to Málaga, on Costa del Sol.

This vibrant Spanish city seems to have it all: wonderful beaches, a captivating old city center and red hills covered in olive trees all around. If you add the great food and the city’s new art scene to the list, you’ll realize Málaga is one amazing place to visit, and not just one of the top beach destinations in Europe.

Seen from above, Málaga seems such a serene holiday destination – all covered in a fresh coat of white paint, sea in the horizon, looking like a classic pueblo blanco.

Once you arrive downtown, the atmosphere changes and the city’s energy takes you by surprise. Elegant villas and palm trees on major boulevards at one end, Beverly Hills type of neighborhoods at the other, and an old city center bustling with people, filled with colorful architectural gems, great restaurants and coffee shops.

Sometimes you feel you’re on the French Riviera, other times you’re transported into the narrow streets of Barrio Gotico in Barcelona; then you enter a Moroccan restaurant and it feels like Andalusia again.

We spent little time in Málaga, but visited the old city center and took a walk on Guadalmar Beach near our villa (a great place to stay in Málaga), tasted the local food and wandered the sunny streets taking photos.

Hope I’ll get to see this city again and explore all its delightful corners because it has so much more to offer. Until then, let’s take a visual tour of Malaga >

Visual Tour of Málaga, Spain

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Road Trip in Andalucía, Spain: Malaga – SevilleCordoba – Granada | April 2017 | All Photography ©Ana Matei > Instagram: @MateiAna

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  • Reply Naicu August 16, 2017 at 7:16 pm

    Frumos scris. Data viitoare poate dați și un semn, de aveți mai mult timp la dispoziție.

    • Ana
      Reply Ana August 17, 2017 at 8:10 am

      Mulțumesc. Sigur! De data asta am stat foarte puțin timp în Malaga (o noapte și o jumătate de zi), pentru că excursia a fost mai mult despre Sevilia, Cordoba și Granada.

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